May 8, 2024

Two days at PLANT FWD

PLANT FWD 2024, a two-day event dedicated to advancing the shift towards plant-based protein consumption, unfolded on April 23 and 24. Bringing together a diverse range of stakeholders including startups, brands, retailers, foodservice professionals, policymakers, investors, and emerging talents, the event was jointly founded by The Protein Community (TPC) and prominently featured on the agenda. Here are the key highlights:

International Debut of the Protein Transition Map NL
A highlight of Plant Forward 2024 was the global launch of the Protein Transition Map NL, an online platform designed to spotlight the myriad actors driving the protein transition in the Netherlands. With over 500 featured entities, this map provides invaluable insights into the dynamic landscape of sustainable food production.

“This time, our success in averting a food system crisis is not just an option, but a necessity. I have full confidence in our ability to succeed, and I believe you do too.” – Jeroen Willemsen, Lead Protein Transition, Foodvalley

TPC’s Presence at PLANT FWD
Foodvalley’s contribution at PLANT FWD 2024 featured a keynote by Jeroen Willemsen, Foodvalley’s lead on protein transition, who underscored the urgency of preventing a food system crisis. He highlighted reasons for optimism, including:

  • Dutch Retailers and Catering Commitment: Many Dutch retailers and catering services have committed to transitioning to plant-based or hybrid products, with some even discontinuing fresh meat promotions, like Jumbo.

  • Innovation in Hybrid Products: The emergence of hybrid products, blending plant-based and animal-based ingredients, promises to expedite the protein transition. This innovation is reshaping the concept of Plantification, introducing fully or partially plant-based alternatives to beloved animal-based recipes, ingredients, or brands.

  • Your Role and Impact: Each attendee was emphasized as a pivotal player in averting a food system collapse by the end of the century. Jeroen stressed the significant individual and collective impact, urging attendees to unite in creating a resounding voice that resonates into the next era.

TPC Booth & Golden Bean Award
The event also featured a booth hosted by The Protein Community (TPC), a proud co-founding partner of Plant Forward 2024. Attendees had the opportunity to connect with industry experts and learn about initiatives promoting sustainable protein consumption. Moreover, the international Golden Bean awards were presented, with TPC community manager Leo Koning awarding the inaugural international Golden Bean to Tracye McQuirter, MPH, in recognition of her remarkable contributions to the Protein Transition in the USA and her advocacy for a vegan lifestyle.

See you next year?