January 18, 2022

Jack Link’s interview: Explore and connect within the field of plant proteins

As a world leader in branded protein snacks, Jack Link´s has a long-term vision for sustaina-ble growth. They have a global presence and a strong position in Germany, the United King-dom, Belgium and the Netherlands, selling high-quality salami snacks and beef jerky pro-duced by their world-class production facilities.

Jack Link´s has a keen eye on sustainability. For example, they are committed to reducing their overall carbon footprint and give consumers a wide choice of plant-based meat alternatives in addition to meat.

First meat-analogue

Jack Link´s believes it is important to continue to explore and connect within the field of plant proteins. In 2021, Jack Link´s successfully launched its first meat-analogue “Vegerami Chickn´less bites” at Tesco in the UK. A great example of cooperation between ingredient suppliers, research institutes and their development team.
“Our EMEA headquarters is located in Amsterdam. Regionally, we are closely linked with research partners in Wageningen and also collaborate with several Foodvalley and TPC members in develop-ment projects. The unique concept of Foodvalley is to bring together companies of all sizes, from start-ups to multinationals, with experts in ingredients, production and also market insights. We be-lieve that with our knowledge we can drive the protein shift across the food industry”, said Jan-Pieter Schretlen, Managing Director and Felix Ostertag, Head of R&D”.

What Jack Link´s brings to the community

Jack Link´s brings with it a long history in protein snacking, particularly in the area of ready-to-eat snacks, including production and brand marketing capabilities. The route to market of their well-known brands may also be of interest should new technologies seek to make an immediate impact.
